
Ariella Laskin
Ariella Laskin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Connecticut Certified School Social Worker who holds a Master's...
Ben Schreiber
Ben Schreiber is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who obtained a Master of Social Work from Southern Connecticut...
Mackenzi Brozovich
Mackenzi (she/her/hers) is a third-year doctoral student in clinical psychology at William James College in Boston...
Haleigh Lombardi
Haleigh Lombardi is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker joining CBH in 2023 as a school based Social Worker. Mrs. Lombardi came...
Sarah Garvey
Sarah Garvey is a Licensed Master’s Level Social worker, who joined CBH in 2023, with over ten years of experience working with children with a variety of needs...
Dontae Abbate
Dontae is currently a professional counselor associate (LPC-A) and pursuing his license to become a licensed professional counselor
Beth Embleton
Beth Embleton, LCSW completed her MSW at UNC Chapel Hill with an internship at Duke High-risk Perinatal Clinic. She grew up...