
Kelly A. Halstead
BCBA, Director of ABA Services
Mrs. Halstead is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who joined CBH in 2011. Mrs. Halstead received her undergraduate degree in Human...
Bryan Pinto
Bryan is a licensed Board Certified Behavior Analyst who joined CBH in 2015. Bryan received his undergraduate degree in Human Services and Rehabilitation...
Joyce Daigneault
Bio coming soon...
Stephen Samela
Stephen is a licensed Board Certified Behavior Analyst who first joined CBH in 2014. Stephen received a BA in English from the University...
Demetri Kostas
Demetri Kostas is a Ct State Licensed Social Worker (LCSW) who joined CBH on a part time basis in September of 2020...
Shelly McNulty
LCSW; Director of Clinical Services and Therapeutic Home Services
<strong>Director of School Avoidance & Re-Entry Programming</strong> Shelly McNulty is a licensed clinical social worker and the Director of Clinical Services and Therapeutic Home Services for Connecticut Behavioral Health...
Dan Smith
Daniel Smith joined CBH in 2021. He received his Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Northeastern University in 2001 and has been working as a...
Kathryn Snow
Mrs. Snow is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who joined CBH in 2021.  Mrs. Snow received her dual undergraduate degree...
Michael Bloom
Mr. Bloom is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who joined CBH in 2021. Mr. Bloom received his undergraduate degree in Psychology with a concentration...
Adrianne Smith
Adrianne is currently a professional counselor associate pursuing her license to become a licensed professional.